1. Il. 1,69. 2. Pherec. FGrHist 3 F 108; Scholia in Apoll. Rhod., 1.139; Hyg. Fab., 97.15, 128, 190. Stat., Ach. 1, 490-498 (i.e.), Quint. of Smyrna, 1, 56-71. Identification with the Thestorides in Ov., Met. 12, 19 and 27 is possible thanks to the context. 3. Pherec. FGrHist 3 F 108. See also the Scholiast to Apoll. Rhod., I.139, who identifies Idmon with Thetor suggesting that the former name may be the surname of the latter. 4. Τhrough his ‘human’ father, Abas of Argos. 5. Hom., Il. 1.72 and 86. Petr., Sat. 89 v. 1-4 and Stat. Achil., 529. 6. Hom. Il. 12.394 7. a – b, probably referring to Aristarchus. 8. Hyg. Fab, 190. 9. Souda, s.v. Sibylla kolophonia 10. Eur., Iph. Taur. V.531-532 11. Hyg., Fab. 97, 15. 12. Paus. 1.43.1. 13. ML 2.1 (1890-1894), col. 921-922, s.v. Kalchas (H.W. Stoll – O. Immisch). 14. Aesch. Agam. V.122. 15. Il. 2.300-332. 16. Proclus, Chrest = EGF (Davies), p. 32. 17. Ov., Met. 12, 14-23; Cic. De Div., 1.33 and 40 ; Macr., Sat., 5.14.13 ; Apul., de deo Socr. 18, Quint. of Smyrna, 8, 474-477 and 6, 56-71. 18. LIMC 5.1 (1990), p. 932, n. 5 (V. Saladino). See l. "Kalchas" (V. Saladino). 19. Apoll., Epit. 3.15. 20. Aesch., Agam. V.104-159 21. Proclos EGF (Davies), p. 32. 22. Aesch. Aga. 104-159; Eur., Iph. Taur., 16-24 ; Iph. Aul. 87-93; 106-107 and 528-535. 23. Prop., El. 4.1.109-114, Ov., Met., 12.24-39, Paus. 9.19.6-7, Apoll. Ep.3.21, Hyg., Fab. 98, Dictys, 1, 21. Short mention in Virg. Aeneid, 2, 116. 24. LIMC 5.1 (1990), p. 932-935, n. 8-20, with no certainty n. 21-28. 25. Hom., Il. 1.71, followed by Cic. De Div., 1.40; FGrHist 49 F 5, Virg. Aeneid, 2.115-117. 26. Apolld., Epit. 3. 20. 27. Apolld., Epit. 3.174. 28. See also Stat., Achil., 514-537. 29. Hom. Il. 68-100 and Dictys, 2.30. Representations in LIMC 5.1 (1990), p. 932-933, n. 6-7. Same scene but different protagonists (except for Agamemnon and Achilles) in Myth. Vat. 3,6-7. 30. Apoll. Epit. 5.8, Conon, FGrHist 26 F 1,34, Quint. of Smyrna, 6, 56-71 and 323-332. 31. Apoll. Epit. 5.8, Verg. Aeneid, 2, 162-182 and comment by Serv (166); Sil. It. 13, 36-44 (without Helenos). 32. Quint. of Smyrna, 12, 1-19, Virg. Aeneid, 2.162-182 and comments by Serv.; Petr. Satyr.89, v. 1-4. 33. Polyxenia and Astyanax. See among others Serv. Comm. On the Aeneid, 3.321 and 489. 34. Quint. of Smyrna, 14, 361-369, Strab. 14.1.27, Theopompus FGrHist 115 F 351 in scholia I 2, 135. 35. Prinz, F., Gründungsmythen und Sachenchronologie (Munich 1979), p. 16-34. 36. Procl., EGF,p. 67· Strabo 14.1.27. 37. Callinus, IEG 2 F 8 if attribution is accepted. The fragment is considered by the editor as spurious. Pherec. FGrHist 3 F 142. 38. Apoll. Epit. 6.4. 39. Tr. G.F vol. 4 F 180 (Radt) where he is supposed to die. See the attempt of Strab. 14.5.16 to identify this location with the Ionian one. 40. Conon FGrHist 26 F 1.6. 41. The same is also told about the Samian Ancaios. 42. Strab. 6.3.9, Lyc. 1047-1055 and scholia Lyc. 978-983. 43. Lyc. 978-983. 44. Following the scholiast of Lycophron v. 980. 45. About the oikist cult, see I. Malkin, Religion and Colonisation in Ancient Greece (Leyden 1987). 46. Hesychius of Miletus FGrHist 390 F 1.21 47. LIMC 5.1 (1990) p. 932, n. 3. 48. Her. 7.91 referred by Strab. 14.4.3 and followed by Eust. Comment on Dion., 854 ; Quint. of Smyrna, 14, 361-369, statue base near the south gate of Perge in association with other heroes (SEG 34, 1305 D). Hadrian timess see Weiss, P., ‘Lebendiger Mythos. Gründerheroen und städtische Gründungstraditionen im Griechisch-römischen Osten’, WürzJBB 10 (1984), p. 179-182, LIMC 5.1 (1990), p. 932, n. 2 (V. Saladino) and Scheer, T.S., Mythische Vorväter Zur Beteutung griechischer Heldenmythen im Selbstverständnis kleinasiatischer Städte (Munich 1993), spec. p. 187-202. 49. Strab. 12.7.3. |