Sculptured motif, figurative or not, placed above the corners of the pediments in religious structures and public buildings.
diadem, the
Band of textile or metal that was bonded around the head. It was not only an ornament but also a religious emblem. For eastern people it symbolised royal authority, too. Alexander the Great inherited from Persians its fuction as a royal symbol.
A kind of cloak that covered the shoulders of Archaic korai and was fastened with a pin or chain.
frieze (1. architecture), (2. painting)
1. The part of the entablature resting on the architrave and below the cornice. In the Doric order the frieze is decorated with two alternative motives, namely the triglyph and metope, while in the Ionic order the frieze is a decoratively carved band.2. Decorative horizontal band that sweeps parts of a vessel or the highest part of the walls in a room.
himation, the
Rectangular woolen (mainly) cloth that was worn over the chiton (cloak). It could be wrapped around the shoulders and the body in different ways and was fastened with a belt or with brooches.
kore, the
Conventional term used by modern scholars to describe archaic statues of standing draped women.
kouros, the
Conventional term used by modern researchers to describe the statue of a standing still, naked, young man, dated to the archaic period.
pediment, the
The triangular structure, over a building façade, between the horizontal entablature and the sloping roof, often decorated with sculptures, reliefs or painted figures.
Thesaurus [1. treasure (archit), 2. hoard (archaeol,numism.)]
Space for storing, repository or threasure.1. (archit.) Temple like structure of votive character. It was dedicated by different cities to famous sanctuaries (Delphoi, Olympia, Delos). It was used to store the cities' valuable offerings as well as the smaller offerings of their citizens. 2. (archaeolog, numism.) Collection of valuable objects or artifacts, coins end metal objects buried in the ground.
tunic, the
The Roman chiton