Spring of 987: Bardas Skleros proclaims himself emperor at Melitene
April-May of 987: Bardas Phokas is reinstated as domestikos ton scholon of the East
Summer of 987: Skleros and Phokas form an alliance
August 15, 987: Bardas Phokas proclaims himself emperor in the Charsianon theme
September of 987: Bardas Skleros is arrested by Phokas and together with his brother Constantine is confined at the fortress Tyropoios
Spring of 988: The rebels under the patrikios Kalokyras Delphinas camp at Chrysopolis. Basil II allies with the Rus’
Early summer of 988: Bardas Phokas lays siege to the city of Abydus
Summer of 988: Kalokyras Delphinas is defeated at Chrysopolis by the imperial forces. The rebels defeat an imperial army under Gregorios Taronites at Trebizond
April 13, 989: Bardas Phokas is defeated by the imperial army at Abydus. Phokas dies and the rebellion is suppressed