Amaseia (Byzantium), Aynalı Mağara, Wall Painting |
“Aynalı Mağara” in Amaseia of Pontos, a rock-cut tomb of the Hellenistic period, was transformed into a church by the Christians and was decorated with three painting layers: the earlier includes abstract motifs and the second figurative representations, while nothing has been preserved from the third layer, which covered earlier paintings of the second layer. Due to iconographic and stylistic evidence of the preserved paintings of the first two layers, they have been dated to the period... |
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Aniconic Art in Asia Minor |
Aphrodisias (Byzantium), Wall-painting of St. Michael |
A fresco of exquisite quality, representing the archangel Michael and dating to the 6th century. It was discovered in the theatre of Aphrodisias. A rare example of early Byzantine painting, it is rather cosidered to be a votive table for personal use than part of the decoration of a church. |
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Byzantine Painting in Cappadocia |
Cappadocia (Byzantium), "Archaic" iconographic programmes |
Cappadocia (Byzantium), Avcılar, Bezirhanı, Katholikon, Wall painting |
Cappadocia (Byzantium), Avҫilar, Church of Karşıbecak, Wall Painting |
Two layers of a non-figural painted decoration have been fragmentarily preserved in the church of Karşıbecak at Avçilar (Matiane). The symbol of the cross holds a prominent position in the program, referring to the redemptive sacrifice of Christ. The choice and the arrangement of the decorative motives place the church within the “Graeco-oriental” school (7th – early 8th century). The dedicatory inscriptions of the church bear witness to the intellectual level of the donors. |
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Cappadocia (Byzantium), Avҫilar, Church, Yusuf Koç Kilisesi, Wall Painting |
The iconographic program of the church of Yusuf Koç near Avҫilar, most probably dated to the first half of the 11th century, is almost entirely composed by portraits of saints of a votive character, that may have been associated with the burial use of the church or of a part of the church (the southern part, that had its own separate apse). Three donors have been located in equally numbered depictions, while one is mentioned on inscription. |
Cappadocia (Byzantium), Çavuşın, Church of Nikephoros Phokas, Wall painting |
Ephesos (Byzanz), Johanneskirche, Malereien |
Die malerische Innenausstattung der dreischiffigen justinianischen Kreuzkuppelkirche ist bis auf wenige Reste verloren. Im Kircheninneren selbst haben sich heute Spuren von gelber, roter, grüner und blauer Freskomalerei als auch von vegetabilen Formen, Blattranken und Kreuzmotive nur in den Seitenschiffen erhalten. Auch im vorjustinianischen Baptisterium fanden sich Reste von Freskomalerei. Die umfangreichsten Funde von Malerei befinden sich im Skeuophylakion, einen Baukomplex der... |
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