Basilica of Xanthus, Templon |
Isauria (Byzantium), Alahan Manastırı, Triumphal Gate |
The impressive gate survives in the western part of the West Church of the Alahan monastic complex in Isauria, having been the central entrance from the narthex to the nave. The decoration consists of relief floral and geometrical motifs and a number of scenes. It has been dated mainly due to stylistic elements, to the mid-5th century, and represents a fine example of the high-level sculpture in this area of Isauria. |
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Myra, Church of St Nicholas, Reliefs |
Nikaia (Byzanz), Koimesiskirche, Bauplastik |
Die 1922 zerstörte Koimesiskirche besaß eine reiche architektonische Ausstattung, die sich heute nur bruchstückhaft rekonstruieren lässt. Der noch in situ liegende Templonstylobat im Sanktoarium gehört wohl zum Gründungsbau. Für das Templon ließen sich zwei unterschiedliche zeitlich auseinanderliegende Aufbauten feststellen. Zwei unterschiedlich große Kapitelle, eins mit Monogramm, haben sich ebenso erhalten, wie fünf skulptierte Schrankenplatten aus Marmor. Eine der Platten weist sieben... |
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Trebizond (Byzantium), Church of Hagia Sophia, Reliefs |
The church of St. Sophia in Trebizond was built in the years of Manuel I Grand Komnenos (1238-1263) and was ornamented with a variety of sculptural reliefs. Apart from the four capitals supporting the dome, the church includes a frieze depicting the fall of Adam and Eve (southern portico) as well as lots of decorative plaques on the southern, northern and western portico. The sculpted decoration on the church’s exterior reflects the influences from Armenian and Georgian art, while the numerous... |
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Trigleia, Church of Hagia Sophia, Reliefs |