The inscriptions in the facade:
1. Above the entrance opening:
(inscribed in capital letters)
Jerphanion, G. de, Mélanges dʹarchéologie anatolienne. Μonuments préhelleniques, gréco‑romains, byzantins et musulmans de Pont [=Mélanges de l’ Université Saint‑Joseph 13] (Beyrouth 1928), pl. V and p. 12. See also Winfield, D., “Aynalı Mağara. Amasya”, Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 20 (1971), fig. 1 on p. 282.
2. Below the entrance opening:
(inscribed in small and carefully written capital letters, extensively damaged)
According to Jerphanion’s transcription:
Jerphanion, G. de, Mélanges dʹarchéologie anatolienne. Μonuments préhelleniques, gréco‑romains, byzantins et musulmans de Pont [=Mélanges de l’ Université Saint‑Joseph 13] (Beyrouth 1928), pp. 12‑13.
According to Bean’s transcription:
ΚΛ . . . . . ΟΕΟΣ
Χ . . . . ʹΙΟΥ
Bean, G. E., “Inscriptions from Pontus”, Belleten 17 (1953), p. 169, no.5.