1. Str. 14.1.27; Mela, 1.17; Paus. 7.3.1, 9.31 ; Conon FGrHist 26, F 1.6 (Manto called Mante). 2. Str. 14.5.16; Clem. Al., Strom. 1.21, 134.4; Conon FGrHist 26, F 1.6; Apoll. 6.3 and a statue base inscription found at Perge (SEG 34, 1305 C : Delphic connection is underlined). 3. Sometimes conflated with the Argive Lakios. See scholia to Apoll. Rhod., 1.308; Heropythos of Colophon, FGrHist 448 F 1 and Cic. De div. 1.40. 4. Referred to the authors of the Thebais by the scholiast of Apoll. Rhod. 1.308. 5. Paus. 7.3.2, 9.31. 6. Mela, 1, 17 also Theopompus FGrHist 115 F 346. 7. Limc 6.1 (1992), p. 653 n. 2 (E. Simon). 8. Limc 6.1 (1992), p. 653 n. 3 (E. Simon). 9. FGrHist 115, F 103. 10. Steph. Βyz. s.v. Pamphylia calls her Pamphyle; Eust. Comment on Dion, 850 only mentions the eponym. 11. I.e., Hes. Shield, l. 181. 12. Val. Flac., 1.383-386; Stat. Theb. 3, 520-521. See also the multiple allusions in Hyg. Fab. 14.5; 29.128, 173. 13. Scheer, T.S., Mythische Vorväter zur Beteutung griechischer Heldenmythen im Selbstverständnis kleinasiatischer Städte (Munich 1993) p. 154-161. The first one might be tied to the Thessalian city of Mopsion. 14. As Clem. Alex., Strom., 1.21, 133.2; 134.4 and Amm. Marc. 14.8.3. 15. EGF (Davies), p. 67. 16. Callinus - IEG 2 F 8. The text mentions Callisthenes. The emendation is not fully accepted and the editor inserts it in the spurious fragments. 17. TrGF vol. 4 F 180 (Radt). 18. Also Str. 14.1.27, Apoll. Epit. 6.3. 19. F 278 – 279 (M.-W.). 20. FGrHist 3 F 142. 21. Str. 14.1.27. 22. Epit. 6.3-4. 23. FGrHist 26, F 1. 6. 24. Str. 14.1.27 and 14.5.16. 25. TrGF, vol. 4, F 180 (Radt). 26. Mela, 1.17; Dictys, 1.17 describes Mopsus as a Colophonian who led troops to Troy to help the Greeks. 27. Paus. 7.3.2. 28. IEG, vol. 2 F 8. See note above. 29. Str. 14.5.16; Cic. De Div. 1.40. 30. Lyc., 439-446 and scholia v. 440 ; Euphrorio F 98 (A.C. Powell). 31. Eust. Comment on Dion., 875; see also Scheer, T.S., Mythische Vorväter zur Beteutung griechischer Heldenmythen im Selbstverständnis kleinasiatischer Städte (Munich 1993), p.168-173 (duel) and p. 222-241. D. Metzler, ‘Der Seher Mopsos auf den Münzen der Stadt Mallos”, Kernos 3 (1990), p. 235-250 recognises the Hero on some coins struck by this city. 32. Str. 14.5.19. 33. FGrHist 115 F 103. 34. Steph. Byz. s.v. Mopsou Hestia. See Scheer, T.S., Mythische Vorväter zur Beteutung griechischer Heldenmythen im Selbstverständnis kleinasiatischer Städte (Munich 1993), p. 242-244. An inscription found at Karatepe in 1946 suggests that the name has originally Luwian (MPS/MUKSUS). Amm.Marc. 14.8.3 considers the city of Mobsuestia as a foundation of the Argonaut Mobsus (sic). 35. See Limc 6.1 (1992), p. 653, n.2. Later struck in 50/51 (Claudius) and 93/4 (Domitian). 36. Scheer, T.S., Mythische Vorväter zur Beteutung griechischer Heldenmythen im Selbstverständnis kleinasiatischer Städte (Munich 1993), p. 241-252 37. Plin. N.H. 5.29. 38. FGrHist 115 F 103 also Steph. Byz. s.v. Pamphylia and Eust. Comment on Dion, 850. 39. SEG 34, 1305C. See Weiss, P., ‘Lebendiger Mythos. Gründerheroen und städtische Gründungstraditionen im Griechish-römischen Osten’, WurzbJBB 10 (1984) p. 179-207, esp. p. 179-182; Limc 6.1 (1992), p. 653, n. 1 (E.Simon) and Scheer, T.S., Mythische Vorväter zur Beteutung griechischer Heldenmythen im Selbstverständnis kleinasiatischer Städte (Munich 1993), p. 187-192. 40. Robert L., ‘Monnaies et divinités d’Aspendos’, Hellenica 11-12 (1960) p. 177. He links this mention with the sacrifices mentioned in the Iamb 10 of Call (F 200a Pf.) and its diegesis. See also Eust. Comment on Dion., 852. 41. Robert, L., ‘Monnaies et divinités d’ Aspendos’, Hellenica 11-12 (1960) 197, p. 177-178, n. 5. 42. FGrHist 115 F 103. 43. Ath. 7. 297, quoting Philostephanus FHG 3, 29, F1. 44. Other traditions name Lakios instead of Mopsus: Steph. Byz., s.v. Gela; quoting the first book on Phaselis by Aristaenetus (FGrHist 771 F 1). See also Heropythos of Colophon, FGrHist 448 F 1; Scheer, T.S., Mythische Vorväter zur Beteutung griechischer Heldenmythen im Selbstverständnis kleinasiatischer Städte (Munich 1993), p. 182-187. 45. Scholia in Appol. Rhod. 1,308; Prinz F., Gründungsmythen und Sagenchronologie (Munich 1979) p. 28 - 31. 46. Limc 6.1 (1992), p. 653, n.3 (E. Simon). This, however, might be a representation of Mopsus, son of Lydos, known by Athenaeus (8.346e; Scheer, T.S., Mythische Vorväter zur Beteutung griechischer Heldenmythen im Selbstverständnis kleinasiatischer Städte (Münich 1993), p. 159-162), rather than of the son of Rhakios. |