1. Clem. Alexandr. Protr. 4.48.1-3 (FGrHist 746 F 3). 2. Athens, National Archaeological Museum 1733; Picard, Ch., Manuel d’archeologie grecque: La Sculpture 4 (Paris 1963), p. 858-863; Richter, G.M.A., The Sculpture and Sculptors of the Greeks 4 (New Haven 1970), fig. 771-772. 3. There was another base in Rome, today lost, which bore the Latin inscription Opus Bryaxidis; this is, however, a Roman copy of a lost work by Bryaxis. 4. Plin. ΝH 36.30-31; Vitr. 7, Introduction 12-13. 5. Various panels now in the British Museum have been proposed. E.g. no. 1009 and 1019 or 1018, 1019, 1020 and 1021. Mostly, however, 1019. 6. Both of them in the British Museum. 7. Paus. 1.40.6. 8. Plin. ΝΗ 36.22. 9. Clem. Alexandr. Protr. 4.47. 10. Plin. ΝH 34.42. 11. Tatian Oratio ad Graecos 33; Coarelli, F., “Il complesso pompeiano del Campio Marzio e la sua decorazione scultorea”, Pontifica Accademia Romana di Archeologia. Rendiconti 44 (1971-1972), p. 99-106. 12. Georg. Cerd. 536 Β. 13. Ex R. Jameson private collection. 14. E.g. Liban. Orat. 60.8-12; Philost., p. 87, 19-88, 9; Downey, G., Ancient Antioch (Princeton 1963), p. 43, fig. 17; Hermann, W., “Zum Apollo Borghese”, AA (1973), p. 658-663; Fuchs, M., “Eine Musengruppe aus dem Pompeius-Theater”, MDAI(R) 89 (1982), p. 69-80; Linfert, A., “Der Apollon von Daphne des Bryaxis”, DaM 1 (1983), p. 165-173; Stewart, A., Greek Sculpture. An Exploration (New Haven - London 1990), p. 202, 221, 282, 300, fig. 629. 15. Mentioned by Clemes Alexandrinus, Protr. 4.48.1-3 (FGrHist 746 F 3). For the identity of the artist who created Sarapis of Alexandria and when see briefly Frazer, P.M., Ptolemaic Alexandria (Oxford 1972), p. 246-276; Hornbostel, W., Sarapis: Studien zur Überlieferungsgeschichte, der Erscheinungsformen und Wandlungen der Gestalt eines Gottes (Leiden 1973); Pollitt, J.J., Art in the Hellenistic Age (Cambridge 1990) p. 277-280; Stewart, A., Greek Sculpture. An Exploration (New Haven - London 1990), p. 20, 28, 196, 200-203, 282, 301, 325 16. Tac. Hist. 4.83-84; Plut. Moralia 361F-362A. 17. Tac. Hist. 4.84. 18. Hornbostel, W., Sarapis: Studien zur Überlieferungsgeschichte, der Erscheinungsformen und Wandlungen der Gestalt eines Gottes (Leiden 1973). 19. Plin. ΝH 34.73. 20. The so-called Otricoli head of Zeus, Rome, Vatican, Museo Pio-Clementino. |