Officer in the ancient Greek cities, mainly during the Archaic period, charged with archival responsibilities, but in some cases with enlarged legislative, judicial and administrative power (governor possessing supreme power for a limited time).
In ancient Roman architecture a large oblong type building used as hall of justice and public meeting place. The roman basilica served as a model for early Christian churches.
Derivative of the Latin verb caleo (= warm up). It is the strongly heated room of Roman baths. Its hot plunge pool was used to take not only a hot bath but also a steam bath due to high levels of humidity. It was also called the "inner room".
Τhe auditorium or audience sitting of a theater.
corinthian order
The most elaborate of the ancient greek architectural orders. It was developed in the 4th century BC in Greece and it was extensively used in Roman architecture. It is similar to the Ionic order. Its capitals being four-sided and composed of a basket-shaped body decorated with volumes and rows of acanthus leaves.
cyma / cymation
Moulding decoration with ovals or tri-cusps alternating with lotus flowers. It was meant to separate or to lay stress upon two surfaces. In ancient architecture we distinguish Doric, Ionic and Lesbian cymation, according to their decoration and section form.
entablature, the
The upper part of the classical order, that rests on the columns, it consists of the architrave, frieze and cornice.
frieze (1. architecture), (2. painting)
1. The part of the entablature resting on the architrave and below the cornice. In the Doric order the frieze is decorated with two alternative motives, namely the triglyph and metope, while in the Ionic order the frieze is a decoratively carved band.2. Decorative horizontal band that sweeps parts of a vessel or the highest part of the walls in a room.
The gymnasium was one of the most important centres of public life in Greek cities. The institution of the gymnasium, directly connected with the development of the Greek city, aimed to create virtuous citizens and gallant warriors. As educational institutions of public character, the gymnasia were intended for the physical and theoretical education of the young and consisted of separate spaces for special purposes.
hypocaust, the
the main system for the heating of ancient baths. The word means literally a “furnace that burns underneath”. With this system the room’s floor was supported by small poles and the space underneath the floor was heated by the circulation of hot air, while the heat was transferred through the walls by conductors.
ionic order, the
An architectural order devised in Ionia and developed in Asia Minor and the Greek islands in the 6th century BC. Its columns have elaborately moulded bases, fluted shafts (with fillets, ending in fillets), and volute capitals. The entablature consists of an three-fasciae archirave, a continuous frieze, usually richly decorated with reliefs, and a cornice. The Ionic order was more elaborate in dimentions, comparing with the Doric.
logeion (pulpitum)
A speaking place on the proscenium’s roof. It was used by the performers.
nymphaeum, the
Originally the sacred grotto dedicated to the Nymphs. During the Roman period the Nymphaea were monumental public fountain constructions, commissioned by wealthy citizens. During the Early Byzantine period they often adorned the fora (public spaces).
The face of the coin which bears the more important device. Due to ambiguities that sometimes exist, many numismatists prefer to use the term for the side struck by the lower (anvil) die.
The performance space of the ancient Greek and Roman theatre, placed between the scene building and the cavea. It was usually semi-circular in shape and rarely circular.
A colonnaded enclosure for athletic exercise. The palaestra functioned both independently and as a part of the Greek gymnasium. It was formed as an open court surrounded by colonnades with adjoining rooms.
pediment, the
The triangular structure, over a building façade, between the horizontal entablature and the sloping roof, often decorated with sculptures, reliefs or painted figures.
Pier of square or rectangular cross-section.
Monumental architectural entrance, most often to a sanctuary or a building complex.
proscenium (or proscaenium), the
The colonnade added in front of the skene of the ancient Greek theatre. There the intercolumnar spaces were usually closed by doors or painted panels.
scene (lat. scaena -ae)
The stage building of the ancient theaters originally used for storage but provided a convenient backing for performances.
stoa, portico, the
A long building with a roof supported by one or two colonnades parallel to its back wall.
The enclosed area in which a temple stands; a sacred precinct